Dr. rer. pol. André Ullrich

Research Group Representative Sustainable Change

Dr. rer. pol. André Ullrich received his Ph.D. degree with a thesis on „Characteristics of changeable systems". Therein, an explanatory model of indicator-based changeability was developed, which can be used for system analysis and to prove and evaluate changeability. Furthermore, a positive correlation between changeability and velocity as well as efficiency in change projects was demonstrate.

Career development

André Ullrich studied Business Administration with emphasis on Business Informatics and Finance & Banking at the University of Potsdam and Finance Academy Moscow. He received his Diploma degree in 2011 and his Ph.D. degree in Business Informatics from the University of Potsdam, Germany, in 2018. From 2011-2017, he worked as a Research Assistant and a Ph.D. Candidate at the Department of Business Informatics at the University of Potsdam, Germany. From 2017-2018 he worked for the Institute of Business Informatics and Digital Society, Potsdam. Since 2018, he is a Postdoc at the Department of Business Informatics at the University of Potsdam. The emphasis of his scientific work lies in characteristics of changeable systems. Further research interests are: innovation processes, knowledge dynamics in digital environments and learning factories. During his research stays at Stellenbosch University, the Queensland University of Technology and Hong Kong Polytechnic University he was actively involved in international and interdisciplinary research- and implementation projects. Dr. Ullrich is a member of the German Informatics Society (GI). He is the author of one and co-editor of another book and has authored more than 40 articles.


Research projects

Key areas


2019 - 2021

ApC - Agiles projektbasiertes Crowdsourcing

Entwicklung eines IT-Tools zur Bewertung und Auswahl von Crowdsourcingplattformen für den Einsatz in KMU sowie auch zur Steuerung der Crowdsourcingaktivitäten im Unternehmen

2018 - 2023


Nachhaltigkeitsmanagement 4.0 - Transformative Potentiale digital-vernetzter Produktion für Mensch, Umwelt und Technik

2015 - 2017

Open Darkness - Dark Side of Open Innovation

Open Darkness - Dark Side of Open Innovation

2013 - 2016


Metamorphose zur intelligenten und vernetzten Fabrik - Ein Beitrag zum Zukunftsprojekt Industrie 4.0

2012 - 2014


Performance Measurement zur Beherrschung saisonaler Effekte in Lieferketten durch Wandlungsfähigkeit

2010 - 2013


Leistungsfähigkeitsbeurteilung unabhängiger Produktionsobjekte

  • Nachhaltigkeit
  • Unternehmensarchitekturen
  • Eigenschaften wandlungsfähiger Systeme
  • Lernfabrik
  • Kreativität und Innovation
  • Digitalisierung und organisationales Wissensmanagement
  • Blockchain
  • Industrie 4.0